Moodle plugins directory: Zoom meeting - Vereinfachte Videokonferenzen und Nachrichtenübermittlung über alle Geräte

Moodle plugins directory: Zoom meeting - Vereinfachte Videokonferenzen und Nachrichtenübermittlung über alle Geräte

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Zoom Meetings commonly shortened to Zoomand stylized as zoom is a proprietary videotelephony software program developed by Zoom Video Communications. The free plan allows up to concurrent participants, with a minute time restriction.

Users have the option to upgrade by subscribing to a paid plan. Zoominfo platform highest plan supports up to 1, concurrent participants for meetings lasting up to 30 hours. During the COVID pandemicthere was a major increase in the use of Zoom meeting for remote workdistance education[4] and online social relations.

Zoom was originally founded in Zoom also has offices in Europe, Asia, and Australia. Zoom has several tiers: Basic, Pro, Business, and Enterprise.

It zoom meeting noted for its simple interface адрес usability, regardless of technological expertise. Use of the zoom meeting is free for video conferences of up to participants at once, with a minute time limit.

Zoom meeting longer or larger conferences with more features, paid subscriptions are available. Features geared towards business conferences, such as Zoom Rooms, are also available. Zoom security features include password-protected meetings, user authentication, waiting rooms, locked meetings, disabling participant screen sharing, randomly generated IDs, and the ability for the host to remove disruptive attendees.

It is available on all platforms, except for the official Zoom web client. Zoom also offers a transcription service using Otter. In SeptemberZoom added new accessibility features to make zoom meeting app easier to use for those zoom meeting are deaf, hard of hearing, zoom meeting visually impaired. New features include the ability to move around video windows in gallery view, pin video zoom meeting to be spotlighted; improved keyboard shortcuts; new tools to adjust the size of closed captioning text; and sign language interpreters' windows can now sit directly next to the speaker.

In October at Zoomtopia, Zoom's annual user conference, the company unveiled OnZoom, a virtual event marketplace with an integrated payment system where users can host and promote free or paid live events.

The first such apps were expected to be available around the end offrom companies including SlackSalesforceDropbox[37] [39] and Qatalog. In OctoberZoom gave its users better security with an upgrade to end-to-end encryption for its online meetings network.

On March 22,Zoom announced that it would start selling its videoconferencing technology as a white-label productso other companies can embed it in their own products, with the calls running over Zoom but not carrying the company's brand name. In AugustZoom launched a new feature called Focus Mode. It is designed for use in digital classrooms and other educational settings.

When active, the mode zoom meeting hide participants' screens from each other though they can see each other's names zoom meeting the host retains the ability to zoom meeting everyone's camera stream or screen share. The feature is available across all Zoom accounts, including free zoom meeting. In September at Zoomtopia, the company announced that end-to-end encryption would now be available as an upgrade for Zoom Phone users.

The company also announced Bring Your Нажмите для продолжения Key BYOK for users to manage their own encryption keys that Zoom meeting cannot access or seeVerified Identity a multi-factor authentication feature working through Okta that allows users to confirm the identity of meeting participantsand Video Engagement Center zoom meeting businesses to digitally interact with customers.

In Octoberthe option to automatically generate closed captions in English for Zoom meetings was expanded zoom meeting all accounts, including free ones. The feature had previously only been available for Premium users. In Zoom meetingZoom added a couple of new features, including gesture recognition, a virtual whiteboard, and Zoom IQ for sales.

Since the zoom meeting of the COVID pandemic, Zoom has been used by banks, schools, zoom meeting universities, and government agencies around the world, [51] by the UK Parliament[52] by healthcare zoom meeting for telemedicine, [53] barbershops, [54] and ceremonies such as birthday parties, [55] /2085.txt services, [56] and bar and bat mitzvah services.

Written and directed by Nelson, it was commissioned by The Public Theater and premiered on YouTube on April 29,as a benefit performance. The New Yorker called it "the first great original play zoom meeting quarantine". The play zoom meeting on Zoom on July 25, It premiered on Shudder in July On July 3—4,using Zoom Webinar, the International Association of Constitutional Law and Alma Mater Europaea organized the first "round-the-clock and round-the-globe" event that traveled through time zones, featuring 52 speakers from 28 countries.

The second episode featured an all-Black cast in a table read of an episode of Friendshosted by Gabrielle Union and featuring Sterling K. Больше информации and Uzo Aduba. Zoom has been criticized for "security lapses and poor design choices" that have zoom meeting in heightened scrutiny of its software.

It includes passwords by default, improved encryption, and a new security icon for meetings. By SeptemberZoom hadinstitutional customers with more than 10 employees, up about percent from the same quarter to the year before.

They were able to raise their annual revenue forecast by more than 30 percent after many of their free users converted to paid subscriptions. Zoom has been zoom meeting for its privacy and corporate data sharing policies, as well as for enabling video hosts to potentially violate the privacy of those participating in their calls. In Zoom meetinga Motherboard article found that the company's iOS app was sending device analytics data to Facebook on startup, regardless of whether a Facebook account was being посетить страницу with the service, and without disclosing it to the user.

The company stated that the SDK was only collecting information on the user's device specifications such as model names and operating system versions in order to optimize its service and that it was zoom meeting collecting personal information. Federal Zoom meeting for illegally and zoom meeting disclosing personal data to third parties including Facebook. In Aprila Zoom information gathering feature was found that automatically sent user names and email addresses to Zoom meetingallowing some participants to surreptitiously access LinkedIn profile data about other users without their express consent.

In Novembera security vulnerability was discovered that allowed a remote unauthenticated attacker to spoof UDP messages that allowed the attacker to remove attendees from meetings, spoof messages from zoom meeting, or hijack shared screens.

After receiving public criticism, Zoom removed the vulnerability and the hidden webserver to zoom meeting complete uninstallation.

On April 20,the New York Times reported that Dropbox engineers had traced Zoom's security vulnerabilities back over two years, pushing Zoom to zoom meeting such issues more quickly, and paying top hackers to find problems with Zoom's software.

In the same article, the New York Times noted that security researchers have praised Zoom for improving its response times, and for quickly patching recent bugs zoom meeting removing features that could have privacy risks. Those efforts include end-to-end encryption for all users, turning on meeting passwords by default, giving users the ability to choose which data centers calls are routed from, consulting with security experts, forming a Ссылка на продолжение council, an improved bug bounty program, and working with third parties to help test security.

Yuan also stated that Zoom would be zoom meeting a transparency report later in On 16 NovemberZoom announced a new security zoom meeting to combat disruptions during a session. The new feature was said to be a default for all free and paid users and made available on the Zoom clients for MacPC, and Linuxas well as Zoom mobile apps.

The practice of " Zoombombing ", a phenomenon where uninvited participants join a meeting to cause disruption, prompted a warning from the Federal Bureau of Investigation. Zoom encrypts its public data streams, using TLS 1.

Zoom initially claimed to use " end-to-end encryption " in its marketing materials, [] but later clarified it meant "from Zoom end point to Zoom meeting end point" meaning effectively between Zoom servers and Zoom meeting clientswhich The Intercept described as misleading and "dishonest". In AprilCitizen Lab researchers discovered that a single, server-generated AES key is zoom meeting shared between all participants in ECB modewhich is deprecated due to its pattern-preserving characteristics of the ciphertext.

On June 3,Zoom announced that users on their free tier will not have access to end-to-end encryption so that they could cooperate with the FBI and law enforcement. On September 7, ссылка на страницу, cryptography researcher Nadim Kobeissi accused Zoom's security team of failing to credit his open-source protocol analysis research software, Verifpal, with being instrumental during the design phase of Zoom's zoom meeting encryption protocol, as described in their whitepaper published in June Kobeissi also linked to a tweet by Zoom security consultant Lea Kissner which he described as a public character assassination attempt issued in response to his repeated requests to have his zoom meeting cited in the research paper published by Zoom.

Zoom admitted that some calls in early April zoom meeting prior were mistakenly routed through servers in mainland Chinaprompting some governments and businesses to cease their zoom meeting of Zoom. An April Citizen Lab report warned that having zoom meeting of Zoom's research and development in China could "open up Zoom to pressure from Chinese authorities".

Facebook and YouTube also joined Zoom in denying their platforms to the conference organizers. Professor Rabab Ibrahim Abdulhadi, one of the conference organizers, criticized Zoom, Facebook, and Google for allegedly censoring Palestinian voices.

On December 18,Zoom announced it zoom meeting be issuing its first transparency report. These reports will be published twice a year beginning in These reports are supposed to show how Zoom responds when user data is requested by law enforcement or government officials.

Zoom states that it "only produces user data to governments in response to valid and zoom meeting requests in accordance with our Government Requests Guide and relevant legal policies". The data gathered by Zoom is being sent to the United States.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Videoconferencing software. This article is about the videoconferencing software. For the company that develops this software, see Zoom Video Communications. Android 5. Further information: Zoom Video Communications. Further information: Zoombombing. Archived from the original zoom meeting November 3, Retrieved February 13, Archived from zoom meeting original on June 26, Retrieved June 24, Archived from the original on April 6, Archived from the original on June 21, Retrieved April 21, The New York Times.

ISSN Archived from the original on March 23, Продолжить March 23, January 7, Retrieved January 8, April 30, zoom meeting Retrieved April 30, Zoom Video. Retrieved May 27, zoom meeting August 21, The Wall Street Journal. Archived from the original on April 8, Retrieved April 13,



- Zoom meeting

  Meetings Client; Zoom Rooms Client; Browser Extension; Outlook Plug-in; Android App; Zoom Virtual Backgrounds; Sales. ZOOM-GOV; Contact Sales; Plans & Pricing; Request a Demo; Webinars and Events; Support. Test Zoom; Account;. Zoom is the leader in modern enterprise video communications, with an easy, reliable cloud platform for video and audio conferencing, chat, and webinars across mobile, desktop, and room systems. Zoom Rooms is the original software-based conference room solution used around the world in board, conference, huddle, and training rooms, as well as executive offices and . Zoom Meetings Zoom Phone Zoom Rooms Zoom Webinar Zoom Platform Zoom Administration Zoom Learning Center Zoom for Education Zoom Chat Clear. Apply. NAME A-Z NAME Z-A NEWEST to OLDEST OLDEST to NEWEST. Zoom Meetings View All. Joining a Zoom Meeting. Basic In-Meeting Navigation. Zoom In-Meeting Chat and Reactions.  

Zoom meeting.Zoom Meetings & Chat


Learn about automation anytime, anywhere with our on-demand webinar library. The best video conferencing apps can do more than merely enable a virtual face-to-face meeting.

They let you show what's on your screen to everyone else on the call, seamlessly pass control of the meeting to another person, and record the call as a video. Web conferencing service Zoom offers these features and more, some of them hidden options in advanced menus.

The tricks and tips below will show you how to use the app better to work, learn, and communicate with others virtually. Some of these tips include ways that you can connect Zoom with other popular apps to automate your work. Zapier is an automation platform that lets you connect your favorite apps to save time, cut down on tedious tasks, and focus on the work that matters most.

Our automations are called Zaps, and you'll see several pre-made Zaps which we call Zap templates throughout this piece. To get started with a Zap template, just click on it, and we'll guide you through customizing it—it only takes a couple minutes. You can read more about setting up Zaps here. Note: To set up integrations between Zoom and Zapier, you need a paid Zoom account.

Free account holders don't have access to the Zoom API. If you run a lot of meetings—for example, with clients—but don't have an assistant, you might want to connect your scheduling app, Zoom, and your calendar.

Whenever someone books an appointment in a scheduling app, for example, Zapier can automatically create a new Zoom meeting and add it to whatever app you use for your personal calendar. Here are some pre-built Zaps to power this workflow, but you can create a Zap with whatever apps you use.

To make this automation even more powerful, you can add a step that shares the meeting details with your team via a chat app like Slack. We use this automation all the time here at Zapier—any time a new team meeting in Zoom kicks off, the Zoom link gets posted to the appropriate channel in Slack automatically.

For weekly meetings, monthly check-ins, and other regularly-scheduled calls, Zoom lets you create a recurring meeting. There are two benefits to using this setting. First, it lets you lock in all the call settings you want once and have them be in place every time you meet.

Second, recurring calls use the same join URL each time, so you never have to send a fresh one to attendees. Additionally, if you meet with the same group regularly but not on a regular schedule, you can choose an option called No Fixed Time, which lets you use the same settings and meeting ID over and over with the same group, no matter when you get together.

This option is popular with educational groups who use Zoom as their virtual classroom. How you do this will depend on which platform you're using, but you can refer to Zoom's documentation for setting up your recurring meeting. Fair warning that for any recurring meeting, you cannot schedule it with your Personal Meeting ID also called PMI in Zoom; it's a virtual private meeting space for you, and the link never changes.

Also, know that all recurring meeting IDs expire after one year, so you'll have to generate a new one then. Say you're using Zoom to hold a mandatory event, like a university lecture or a safety training session. You probably want to know who attends. You can get that information from a report once the meeting is finished. Look for Usage Reports, and then click Meeting to find the meeting you want, select the report type and date range, and generate the report.

Requirements: To generate an attendee list, you need to be the 1 the host of the meeting, 2 in a role with Usage Reports enabled, or 3 an account administrator or owner.

In addition to getting an attendance sheet, you can also gather information from meeting attendees about themselves before they join the call. For example, you might want to require that attendees provide their name, company affiliation, or industry. To collect this information, first you need to require Registration, an option found in the My Meetings tab of the Zoom web app. Then, you can set up a form that attendees must fill out before they can join the meeting. For the registration form, Zoom provides standard fields, such as name and company affiliation, that you add using checkboxes.

To add new questions or fields, jump over to the tab called Custom Questions. If you're using Zoom to run a digital event like a webinar, however, you might want to let attendees register via a form on your website or an event management app. Automation is a great way to make sure that everyone who signs up for your webinar is then registered in Zoom.

These pre-built Zaps are perfect for getting started:. You can make this automation even more powerful by making sure that any registrant information you collect is also added to your CRM or email marketing tool, so you can follow up more easily.

Requirements: To require attendee information in Zoom, the host must have a Pro account. Additionally, the meeting cannot be your Personal Meeting ID. Zoom lets you record your web conferencing calls as videos, a handy feature for sharing the meeting with people who may have missed it or for reviewing what was said.

When you record, you must choose whether to use the local or cloud option. Local means you store the video file yourself, whether locally on your computer or in another storage space that you provide. With Cloud, which is for paying members only, Zoom stores the video for you in its cloud storage different account types come with different amounts of storage. One convenience of the cloud option is that people can stream the video in a web browser once it's ready.

When creating a video from a conference call, it makes a big difference in the final quality to optimize a few settings in advance. For example, some calls might be broadcast-style, where only the host appears on screen. In that case, set Zoom to only record the audio and video of the host. Other calls might be in the style of a collaborative meeting, in which case you want to record everyone.

Be sure to explore Zoom's settings at least a few minutes before recording a call. If you don't see the option to record, check your settings in the web app under My Meeting Settings or have your account administrator enable it. If you need to share the recording later, try one of these Zaps to automatically share once the recording has finished. If you record meeting attendees' video or audio, it's common courtesy—and in some places a requirement—to inform them before you do.

Screen sharing allows the host of a call to display whatever's on their screen to everyone else on the call. Annotation tools let all the meeting participants draw and highlight what's on screen, which can be immensely helpful when discussing visual materials, such as mockups, graphic designs, and so forth.

To annotate while viewing someone else's shared screen, select View Option from the top of the Zoom window, and then choose Annotate. A toolbar appears with all your options for annotating, including text, draw, arrow, and so forth. The presenter can use the save button on the toolbar to capture the complete image with annotations as a screenshot. You can also disable attendee annotation altogether.

Meetings can have more than one person at the helm. A PR rep might want to cooperatively control a meeting alongside an executive, or a team with more than one lead may prefer to each co-host rather than choose one person over the other.

Whatever your circumstances, you can start a Zoom call and have more than one person be in charge. To use co-hosting tools, you first must enable it in Zoom's Meeting Settings. Look for the Meeting tab and choose the Co-host option. Then, when you start a meeting, wait for your co-host to join, and add the person by clicking the three dots that appear when you hover over their video box. Alternatively, you can go to the Participants window, choose Manage Participants , hover over the co-host's name, and select More to find the Make Co-Host option.

If the option doesn't appear, ask your account administrator to enable the settings in the Meeting tab for co-hosting privileges. Zoom lets attendees get into a video call with or without the host being present. Small groups sometimes like this option because they can have a few minutes to chit-chat before the meeting officially kicks off. In some situations, however, it could be in poor form to have attendees in a virtual room together, waiting for you to start.

A better solution is to create a virtual waiting room, where attendees remain on hold until you let them in all at the same time or one by one.

Precisely how you enable a waiting room depends on the type of account you have. When you set one up, however, you can customize what the attendees see while they await your grand entrance. People who work with an assistant will love this option in Zoom that gives scheduling privileges to someone else. Whoever manages your calendar can now schedule Zoom calls for you. To set up the scheduling assistant privilege, log into Zoom, open Meeting Settings , and look under Other.

Powerful meeting security Robust security settings ensure disruption-free meetings. Built for modern teams. HD video and audio Bring HD video and audio to your meetings with support for up to video participants and 49 videos on screen.

Built-in collaboration tools Multiple participants can share their screens simultaneously and co-annotate for a more interactive meeting.

Made for Connecting Filters, reactions, polls, hand raising, and music or video sharing make meetings more fun and engaging. Recording and transcripts Record your meetings locally or to the cloud, with searchable transcripts. Streamlined calendaring Support scheduling or starting meetings from Outlook, Gmail, or iCal.

Team Chat Chat with groups, searchable history, integrated file sharing, and 10 year archive. Customers who switch to Zoom report an increase in performance, trust, and engagement.

Get Started Today. Confidently work from home New features to help you work from home and have fun doing it. Clear audio with advanced background noise suppression Share slides as your virtual background Feel camera ready with adjustable touch up my appearance Look well lit in any situation by adjusting advanced lighting More reactions to let your feelings show Filters to bring some fun into your day Try Immersive View to make meetings more engaging.

Modernize your meeting solution Zoom Meetings for desktop and mobile provides the tools to make every meeting a great one. Communicate instantly on Zoom Chat Integrated persistent messaging streamlines workspace collaboration across the desktop and mobile clients.

Instantly start a meeting or phone call Share files and search content in public or private groups Connect external users while keeping information safe See more features. Get immersive in-office collaboration right from home Zoom for Home brings your calendar, meetings, and phone together in one dedicated device. High-quality microphone, camera, and speakers Touch displays for easy whiteboarding and annotation Simple for IT to deploy and manage Check out Zoom for Home Devices.

Administration and remote assistance made easy Centralized IT management and remote assistance simplifies deployment and support. Track utilization and usage trends View version distribution Assign granular permission settings account, group, and user level. Expanded audio conferencing Add audio options for everyone. Hardware to optimize your meeting experience Upgrade your audio and video quality with headsets, webcams, and more. Zoom Meetings connects with some of your favorite applications to enhance collaboration.

Learn More. Integrations Easily schedule and join meetings from your existing email or calendar application. Start Zooming today! Buy Now Request a Demo.



Zoom meeting. Zoom for Government


By submitting your email, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Zoom is one of the top video conferencing applications currently on the market.

A new window will appear, presenting various methods for inviting people to the call. Finally, if you want to invite someone via Slack or some other communication app, you can 1 copy the video conference invitation URL, or 2 copy the invitation email to your clipboard and share it with them directly.

We select and review products independently. When you purchase through our links we may earn a commission. Learn more. Windows ». Google Home Lawsuit. What Is svchost. Best Ethernet Cables. Best Camera Straps. Best Ring Alternatives. Best Wi-Fi Adapters. Best Outdoor Solar Lights. Best Crypto Wallets. Best Computer Speakers. Best Cell Phone Plans. Best Camera Bags. Best Ultrawide Monitors. Reader Favorites Best Linux Laptops. Best Wi-Fi Routers. Awesome PC Accessories.

Best Wireless Earbuds. Best Smartwatches. Best Oculus Quest 2 Accessories. Zoom is 1 in customer satisfaction and the best unified communication experience on mobile. It's super easy! Install the free Zoom app, click on "New Meeting," and invite up to people to join you on video! Have a question? But in the end, its real meaning is bigger: Zoom keeps us connected with each other. I really really recommend it even has a choice that you can even private chat to the host and other classmates!

Once people join you can make those people the Co-Host the Co-Host has the same thing as the host, Just that the host has more advantage in the Zoom can end the meeting, change peoples names, chat with people and more things.

Zoom is wonderful. Zoom is the best app and choice of doing online school it really just helps a lot! You can do loads of things! Zoom is the 1 choice best for teacher, Schools and students! Thanks for reading! I would still use this amazing app. I have some recommendations for this app. I think when the teacher parent tutor etc, is sharing they should have something that can disable kids from writing on the screen.

The next recommendation I have is there should be a button that can say whether or not there can can be a co-host. Those are some things that I think zoom should fix, but other than that I love this app and recommend it to you! Have good day, thanks for reading! The developer, Zoom Video Communications, Inc. The following data may be collected and linked to your identity:. Privacy practices may vary, for example, based on the features you use or your age.


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